
Definition of bifurcation functionality.


bio_oriented(direction, angles)

Input: init_phi, init_theta, dphi, dtheta.

directional(direction, angles)

Input: init_phi, init_theta, dphi, dtheta.


Get 3-d coordinates of a new random point.

symmetric(direction, angles)

Get 3-d coordinates for two new directions at a selected angle.

neurots.morphmath.bifurcation.bio_oriented(direction, angles)

Input: init_phi, init_theta, dphi, dtheta.

neurots.morphmath.bifurcation.directional(direction, angles)

Input: init_phi, init_theta, dphi, dtheta.


Get 3-d coordinates of a new random point.

The distance between the produced point and (0,0,0) is given by the value D.

neurots.morphmath.bifurcation.symmetric(direction, angles)

Get 3-d coordinates for two new directions at a selected angle.